In-Person Therapists in Manhattan, NYC
We’d love to meet with you in-person and understand you may prefer your sessions offline. Our team can schedule in-person therapy sessions with you at our Fifth Ave offices in Midtown.
Are there advantages to scheduling in-person therapy sessions?
Yes, there are some advantages to meeting with your therapist at their office. Such as:
Sometimes it’s hard to find a private or uninterrupted space to have therapy at home
If you’re on a computer a lot of the day already, the thought of another video call may be unappealing
It’s nice to be in a quiet and calm space dedicated to helping you gather your thoughts and feelings
Depending on preference, learning (or practicing) new skills can be easier with your therapist in the room to guide you
Sometimes you might be discussing something particularly tough where your therapist’s physical and encouraging presence makes a difference. For some, being able to open up or express their feelings is more natural face-to-face, and strengthens a sense of being present or understood. The practice of going to your therapist’s physical office every week can also become a welcome rhythm or routine. You gather your thoughts on the way in and ease back into your daily life on the way out.
We encourage you to pay attention to what you need to be yourself, share openly, and get the most out of meeting with your therapist.
Office policies at Manhattan Therapy Collective
If you’re interested in meeting in-person for therapy (or want to try it out), let your therapist know.
Do you offer in-person sessions on a temporary basis?
Sometimes. As a team, we are dedicated to providing you the highest level of care to support your mental health. If teletherapy doesn’t allow your therapist to work effectively with you, or there are therapy approaches or skills best implemented in-person, your therapist may recommend that you schedule sessions at our offices temporarily so they can continue offering you their best.
Is in-person therapy better than teletherapy?
We believe that in-person and online therapy sessions can be equally as effective, but it depends on what ultimately works best for you. Our team of NY psychologists offer both. There are advantages to each option. As your therapist, we want whatever choice promotes a helpful, genuine, and truly supportive experience of your sessions.
If you have further questions, please contact us.